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Solar Our Schools: Share this Open Letter to the PM

Solar our schools
Solar power in schools can create jobs, reduce bills and cut carbon emissions

Solar Our Schools is a campaign calling on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to support supplying solar and batteries for every school, kindergarten and child care in Australia. We’re backing it and encourage you to sign the petition, share the Open Letter and even get your school or childcare centre behind it!

Solar panels in schools can help create thousands of jobs, slash school electricity bills and reduce emissions. These are huge positives for the whole community.

With all of us working together, the Solar Our Schools campaign can grow bigger and brighter, so the Prime Minister sees what a great chance it is to Shine on Our Communities!

Right now, we have a unique opportunity as the government looks to stimulate the economy. We need to ensure that they have solar and batteries at the front of their minds for where to invest for clean regional jobs, great community cost savings, and a safer climate for us all.


Want to do even more to support the Solar Our Schools campaign? You can…

1. Share the Solar Our Schools open letter on Facebook:

You can be a powerful force on social media! You can help get thousands more people to sign the Open Letter to make sure we really get the attention of the Prime Minister and senior politicians. We need your help to get thousands more people to sign the open letter.

Share the letter by hitting the Facebook symbol on this link. You can read the letter below.

“Australia needs a clean-energy-driven economic recovery that improves our schools and communities, creates thousands of clean jobs AND cuts our greenhouse emissions. 

We call on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to ‘Solar Our Schools’ by fully-funding solar and batteries for every public and non-profit school, kindergarten and child care centre in Australia. We propose means-tested grants for all privately-owned schools and early learning centres.   

If every school and early childhood centre that does not yet have solar were to get solar and batteries, it’s estimated that at least 6,870 renewable energy jobs would be created in all regions of Australia – it’s the perfect way to stimulate our economy!  

Solar and batteries will slash school energy bills which frees up more funds for learning resources. Research by Beyond Zero Emissions shows that solar and batteries would save large schools $114,000 in energy bills per year and small schools $12,700 per year if they received a fully-funded solar and battery system and became part of a “virtual power plant”.

And the planet would benefit too! A program of solar and batteries for all schools and early childhood centres who don’t currently have solar would save at least 1.4 million tonnes of carbon emissions per year.

Prime Minister Morrison, we ask you to invest in solar for our communities and children, to save schools money, create thousands of clean local and regional jobs, and help cut carbon pollution for a safe climate.

Please, Mr Morrison, shine on our kids!”

solar our schools

Solar Our Schools aims to see solar power and batteries used in classrooms across Australia

2. Sign up to be a school champion

Together we can make this campaign huge by reaching out to parents across schools, child care centres and preschools around Australia, asking them to sign the open letter – and asking teachers and students to sign it too. You can have a powerful impact by becoming a School or Childcare Champion to reach out to your parent, school and community networks. Become a volunteer!

3. Donate to the Solar Our Schools campaign:

With your support:

  • Organisers will get out to the key electorates in Australia where the Federal government is more likely to be listening
  • Your donation will help fund more of organising staff to reach out to the millions of “quiet Australians”  in regional and suburban Australia!

Donate here.

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