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Advertise: Promotion


Want to increase your brand awareness whilst providing an exciting offer to get North Shore Mums to try your business? Promotions are an effective mechanic for encouraging new customers to try your product or service, and also to raise overall awareness of your business through exposure across the North Shore Mums platform – our website, newsletter, Facebook page & group.


Promotions are special offers that are listed in the ‘Offers’ section North Shore Mums website for two weeks. They’re a great tactic to boost sales and awareness with Sydney mums! Depending on your product or service, you might want to offer a discount, free gift with purchase or free delivery. The more appealing the offer, the better the response!

Each package includes the following exposure:

  • Website (100,000 monthly visitors) – Your own dedicated promotional page on the North Shore Mums website for 2 weeks (homepage exposure and located in the Offers category) – featuring a description about your business, photos, video (embed from YouTube or Vimeo), logo, links to your website, Facebook & Instagram page, plus the offer details & how to redeem.
  • E-newsletter (10,000 subscribers) – Advertisement on weekly e-newsletter, emailed Thursday nights, linking to the Offers page on our website
  • Facebook page (32,000 followers) – Two posts on North Shore Mums Facebook page, boosted to 5000 reach, linking to the Offers page on our website
  • Facebook group (40,000 members) – Pinned post in Announcements section of Facebook group for 3 days, linking to the Offers page on our website

Price = $500+gst


North Shore Mums Website

On the day the promotion is launched, your offer will be featured in the premium position on the North Shore Mums homepage. The promotion remains visible on the homepage for several days.

Your offer will get its own promotional page on the North Shore Mums website (listed in the Offers section) for 2 weeks. This page includes:

  • Overview about your product or service (min. 200 words, though you are welcome to provide up to 500 words)
  • Details of the offer & how to redeem
  • Photos that showcase your business and the offer (these work much better than designed graphics)
  • Optional video (please provide us with a YouTube or Vimeo link to embed)

North Shore Mums Weekly E-newsletter

The offer is promoted on the first weekly e-newsletter (emailed Thursday to over 10,000 subscribers).

Facebook posts

These posts are written by our Editor in the North Shore Mums voice, with a glowing overview of your product or service, details about the special offer and irresistible Call to Action to encourage people to take up to offer. The Facebook posts links to your Offers page on our website, so readers can get all the information they need in one centralised spot.

The promotional package includes:

  • Two posts on the North Shore Mums Facebook page. These posts about boosted to guaranteed a combined reach of 5000. View post example.
  • One post pinned in the Announcements section of the North Shore Mums Facebook group

Why run a special offer?

Increased Brand awareness

It gives your business strong exposure across the North Shore Mums platform, when our readers are actively looking for gift ideas and ready to purchase. It also helps get your brand on the radar for future purchases!

Immediate sales

A special offer provides an incentive to ‘get in quick’ to get the discount.

“Instyle Blinds and Shutters has been running several promotions with North Shore Mums with satisfying, strong results. Our campaigns has had great results with an increase in our sales and customer base including many viewers joining our social networking. As a result of these productive campaigns we continue to use North Shore Mums for our ongoing promotions” – Douglas Temmo  (Director) Instyle Blinds & Shutters

Next steps

  1. Complete the online booking form at least 5 business days before you want the promotion to launch.
  2. The editorial team will create your promotional page based on the information provided
  3. We’ll email you a password-protected link to view and approve the page
  4. Once approved, we’ll schedule it to go live!


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