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Tag: new mum

A new way to deal with postpartum recovery, from Taste for Life

A new way to deal with postpartum recovery, from Taste for Life

Postpartum recovery can be a challenging period for many new mums, encompassing a range of physical, emotional and mental adjustments ...
Getting your body and life back after giving birth

Getting your body and life back after giving birth

Getting your body back after giving birth isn't quite as simple as celebrities and influencers might make it look. Having ...
10 things to do with your baby to enjoy those special days

10 things to do with your baby to enjoy those special days

Looking for things to do with your baby so you can fill those long days, and actually enjoy your maternity ...
Three tips for making witching hour easier

Three tips for making witching hour easier

'Witching hour' is one of those phrases you learn almost as soon as you become a mum. In folklore, it ...
How to cope with sleep deprivation as a new mum

How to cope with sleep deprivation as a new mum

Sleepless nights? When you have a baby, you can be up at all hours of the night. Most of us can ...
baby shower gifts

Baby shower gifts: 13 amazing ideas from mums

Baby shower gifts can be lifesavers for new mums. When you're expecting a baby, it's easy to be overwhelmed by ...
50 Best books for a new baby: Perfect gifts for new mums

50 Best books for a new baby: Perfect gifts for new mums

The best books for a new baby are fun to read (endlessly!) and encourage some good bonding time! Perfect for ...
advice to new mums

Words of wisdom & advice to new mums (from women who’ve been there)

When we saw this post in our Facebook group asking mums to share their hard-earned wisdom to new mums, we ...
The 'fourth trimester' with your newborn baby

The ‘fourth trimester’ with your newborn baby

You're in the 'fourth trimester' if you've just had a baby- and you might be feeling overwhelmed with advice from ...
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