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Hospitals around the North Shore to have a baby

Beautiful bush views from The San in Wahroonga
Beautiful bush views from The San in Wahroonga

Congratulations! There is nothing more exciting than seeing those two pink lines appear on the test. But then the decisions start. One of the most important (and urgent) is whether you want to go public or private and which hospital you want to deliver at. Here’s everything you need to know when it comes to hospital around the North Shore to have a baby.

Wondering where you want to deliver your baby? It’s never an easy decision! Here’s a list of the private and public hospitals on the North Shore and Northern Beaches where you can deliver. Use the Quicks below to help your search for hospitals around the North Shore to have a baby.

Having a baby: Public vs Private Hospital

The decision to go public or private is generally one you make before you find out you’re pregnant. If you choose to go private, then you need to have private cover that includes pregnancy and birth 12 months before you give birth to your baby in order to make a claim.

Public hospitals on the other hand, are free.

Here are some of the key differences:

Private Hospital

Going private means you choose your doctor and where you give birth. However, even with insurance, there are a lot of out-of-pocket costs. These vary greatly from obstetrician to obstetrician, so it’s worth doing some research before you make a decision. You can ask for a breakdown at your first appointment to work out what Medicare will cover, what your health insurance will take care of, and what you’re left with at the end.

You then pay the excess when you enter hospital for the deliver, but this still doesn’t cover everything. During the birth, you pay on top for an epidural. You also pay for the visit from the pediatrician during your stay.

You will generally stay in hospital for about five days after birth in a private room – this is give or take depending on whether you had a Caesarian or a natural birth and many other factors.

Public Hospital

You still have plenty of choice going public as well. It’s about deciding how you want to birth, ie water birth, midwife care, etc., and finding the best option for you.

In the public system, your pregnancy care is likely to be at:

  • Antenatal clinic (at the hospital): care throughout your pregnancy is provided by the midwives in the Antenatal Clinic. Throughout your pregnancy, birth and postnatal period support is provided to you via midwifery, obstetric and multidisciplinary teams. You generally won’t have a primary caregiver, instead seeing whoever is on at the time of your appointment. During labour, the midwives on duty in the Birthing Unit will care for you.
  • Midwifery Group Practice: this is a continuity of care model that offers care to well, normal risk pregnant women. A midwife is allocated to you, and this midwife will care for you throughout the pregnancy, birth and postnatal period, and the beginnings of parenthood. If you choose this option, your allocated Midwifery Group Practice midwife will phone you to arrange your first visit.
  • GP shared care: under this model both your GP and midwifery service as part of a shared care arrangement. GP shared care is suitable for women who have an uncomplicated pregnancy and have no history of obstetric problems. If circumstances during your pregnancy change you may be referred to the Doctor’s Clinic for review. Most of your antenatal appointments will be with your GP.
  • Obstetric and medical specialist clinic: If your pregnancy is identified as “high risk” by your GP or midwife, then you may be referred to the obstetric and medical specialist clinic. A variety of specialist doctors, supported by midwives will provide care for you throughout the pregnancy, birth and postnatal period.

There are no charges when you’re admitted to the hospital and your epidural (if you choose) is also free. After you give birth, you are generally placed in a share room. Your stay is normally quicker, depending on your circumstances.

The best thing you can do is be informed and prepared when it comes to making the best decision for you. Check out these hospitals around the North Shore to have a baby.

Private Hospitals on the North Shore

Mater Hospital

Mater Maternity Care is a private hospital with an integrated collaborative team of Obstetricians, midwives, maternity social workers and lactation experts.

North Shore Private Hospital

north shore hospitals baby

North Shore Private

North Shore’s Maternity Services Team comprises experienced clinicians committed to delivering a quality standard of care to provide the finest birthing and parenting experience possible. The birthing services of the clinicians are complemented by the birthing and parenting educators, delivery suite midwives, postnatal midwives, lactation specialists and staff trained in neonatal care.

    Sydney Adventist Hospital (SAN)

    Sydney Adventist Hospital (SAN) Maternity Private Suite

    Each year, San Maternity welcomes around 1,700 new babies into the world. Located on the top two levels of Clark Tower, the maternity unit has forty purpose-built, architecturally designed private rooms – along with dedicated birthing unit, baby nurseries and women’s health facility. Together with their many onsite services, this makes for a maternity experience that’s calming, comfortable and convenient.

    Public Hospitals on the North Shore

    Royal North Shore Hospital

    The Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH) is a major public teaching hospital in Sydney. They provide comprehensive care for all women in their pregnancy, including assessments, ultrasound and pathology referrals, breastfeeding advice and referrals to specialist services as required ( for example, genetic services, diabetic and endocrine services, renal services).

    Babies born at Royal North Shore Hospital who need follow up care have appointments at the clinic.

    They offer a number of different care options:

    • Midwives’ clinic at the hospital
    • Midwifery Group Practice (MGP)
    • Obstetric and medical specialist clinic
    • GP shared antenatal care

    Women living in the Royal North Shore and Ryde Hospital local catchment areas are encouraged to book at their closest hospital.

    Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital

    Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital is a public teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Technology Sydney and the University of Sydney. It provides level four services, which means if you develop significant obstetric problems such as premature labour before 34 weeks you are transferred to the larger tertiary hospitals.

    They offer a number of different care options:

    • Midwives’ clinic at the hospital and in the community
    • Midwifery Group Practice (MGP)
    • Student midwife clinic (fully supervised)
    • Obstetric and medical specialist clinic
    • GP shared antenatal care
    • Private obstetric care

    You must live in the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai local government area to be eligible for this service.

    • Address: Building 50, Level 2, Palmerston Road Hornsby Ku-ring-gai
    • Phone: (02) 9485 6699
    • Website: nslhd.health.nsw.gov.au

    Northern Beaches

    Northern Beaches Hospital (Public & Private)

    Northern Beaches Hospital Maternity

    Northern Beaches Hospital Maternity

    Since Northern Beaches Hospital opened in 2018, Mona Vale Hospital and Manly Hospital closed their maternity wards, so it is now the only hospital offering maternity for the Northern Beaches region. This is both a public and a private hospital that offers a number of different types of care:

    • Midwifery Group Practice
    • Midwifery-led care
    • Private obstetric care
    • Public obstetric care
    • GP shared care


    Other nearby hospitals

    Ryde Hospital (Public)

    Ryde Hospital is well-known for their Midwifery Group Practice. They offer midwifery care & a midwifery group practice.

    Westmead Hospital (Private)

    Westmead Hospital – Deluxe Parenting Suite

    Westmead Private Hospital’s maternity team is comprised of experienced clinicians committed to delivering a quality standard of care to provide the finest birthing and parenting experience for you.

    The hospital also offers a range of childbirth and parenting programs which aim to prepare you for the birth of your child and adjustments to family life.

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