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My Sister’s Baby: Pregnancy charity helping women

Pregnancy charity mother
Pregnancy charity My Sister's Baby supports women around the globe with pregnancy and delivery

Pregnancy charity My Sister’s Baby is helping women around the world access safe care for the birth of their babies. Care and support are something many Australian women enjoy when they’re expecting – but it’s not the case for all women all, especially in lower and middle-income countries. Here’s how My Sister’s Baby is helping.

Pregnancy is a time of wonder. And during this special time, it’s vitally important to know you and your baby are safe and looked after- a privilege so many Australian women enjoy. But imagine carrying your child knowing you will be giving birth in a village, with no health centre, no backup or support, no trained help, just you and your family.

It’s a reality facing many women, who embark on pregnancy and labour with no midwife, no doctor, no pain relief or epidural, no Caesarean, no help if something goes wrong, no-one to even sew up a tear.

Every year more than 300,000 women worldwide die from pregnancy and childbirth related conditions, and almost all of them in lower and middle income countries. Most die of preventable conditions like obstructed labour, bleeding or infection. They die alone and at home because they have no access to trained health workers.

That’s like losing every woman having a baby in Australia each year. Every woman lost is a mother, sister, a wife or daughter or carer. Every loss leaves a huge hole in a family and community.

My sister's baby charity

The pregnancy charity says all women should have access to medical care and support during pregnancy and delivery

Pregnancy charity My Sister’s Baby aims to change this by giving Australian women a way to make a real and tangible difference to a woman just like you.

My Sister’s Baby is not re-inventing the wheel. It is supporting Medical Charities which are already up and doing the work.

  • Providing free healthcare to women who could not afford to get help otherwise
  • Supplying, supporting and expanding the work and training of doctors and midwives in lower and middle income countries

My Sister’s Baby: How to help

Your support for My Sister’s Baby enables health workers to provide women access to a safe place to deliver their baby, with the facilities, personnel, skills and care to provide any backup needed.

It costs around $200 to provide full care for one woman during pregnancy but every donation helps.

You can help a woman like you during her pregnancy and delivery with a $200 donation to My Sister’s Baby.

It costs around $200 to provide full care for one woman during pregnancy but every donation helps.

This provides funding for safe antenatal care, delivery and postnatal support for one woman who otherwise couldn’t access it

Who works with the pregnancy charity?

My Sister’s Baby was set up by Dr John Keogh and Dr Andrew Booker and is a group of obstetricians, midwives and hospital organisations raising awareness of the many difficulties women face in pregnancy and childbirth in lower and middle income countries.

The aim is to help raise funds for groups who are already doing the work on the ground, but whose capacity is limited by resources. By working together with Australian women and families, they aim to change the experience of pregnancy from ‘one based on fear, to one grounded in confidence and joy.’

Please consider supporting this work and by doing so making a real difference to a family who, just like you, dream of the safe delivery of their baby.

My Sister’s Baby: How to donate

Whether during your own pregnancy, a family member’s or simply any time you wish to offer support to women, you can donate

Whether during your own pregnancy, a family member’s or simply because you want to offer support to women, you can donate towards the cost of safe care for one other woman sharing that same pregnancy journey by visiting My Sister’s Baby.

Make another woman’s journey free of fear, knowing there will be someone with the skills to bring her and her baby safely through delivery. Because in the birth and care of our children, perhaps more than any other time, we are sisters together, and No-one Should Have To Do This Alone.


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