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Make the best money moves for your family

my money moves

Whether you’re a growing family or have kids who are fast turning into adults, one of the most important things you can do for your family is to take steps towards financial security. But getting ahead with your money can be complicated. My Money Sorted is a brand new personal finance education hub ready to help. Here’s how!

About My Money Sorted

At My Money Sorted, their goal is to help Australians to make better money decisions, achieve their biggest goals, and secure the things they care about most in life.

Did you know that roughly 1 in 3 Aussies are dissatisfied with their financial situation, and more than 7 in 10 live with regrets regarding their finances?

The team at My Money Sorted is intent on changing all of that. They’re on a mission to provide the kind of real, relatable, financial education we never got at school. The kind of money smarts you can use to eliminate the financial worry and stress that’s holding you back from achieving your biggest goals in life.

My Money Sorted Director, Tom Haigh, with his wife/Wonder-Mum Nikki, and their three gorgeous trouble-makers!

With a focus on the small actions Aussies can take to deliver big long term financial benefits, My Money Sorted’s website and weekly email newsletter feature:

  • Awesome money tips
  • Actionable insights from seasoned financial experts; and 
  • Interactive money tools that can help you make better money moves at your stage of life.

Daniel Brown (CEO of My Money Sorted), with his wife/Boss-Mum Julie Brown, CEO of the Brown Family and their two beautiful kids!

    How My Money Sorted can help you

    Being better off and protecting your family are important goals for many Aussie families, but knowing what to do isn’t always so simple. With direct access to the best financial information, tools, products, and services that Australia has to offer, these goals can be infinitely easier to achieve.

    My Money Sorted provides simple steps for growing your wealth, protecting your most valuable assets, and having the kind of life you want for your family. Learn about the most important money matters and topics like:

                Plus, access the best financial calculators and comparison tools. Use them for FREE, ditch the complicated spreadsheets and save yourself hours!


                My Money Sorted’s goal for you 

                Led by finance experts who themselves have young families, My Money Sorted’s experienced team know just how little time we all have to put into managing our finances each month.

                That’s exactly why their goal is to do to personal finance what HelloFresh did to home cooking, arming Aussies with:

                • Everything they need.
                • Nothing they don’t.
                • Simple, easy-to-follow instructions on how to get ahead with their money!

                Save time, eliminate stress and worry, and get clear on what you can do to reach your goals. 

                My Money Sorted Money Guru, Mitch Ramsbotham, with Jae, proud mum of 2 girls.


                Wondering if My Money Sorted is a worthwhile resource for you and your family?

                My Money Sorted is an invaluable resource if these questions and topics are ever on your mind:

                • What can I be doing to save more on big monthly expenses like my home loan? And should we even be prioritising paying off our home loan or buying an investment property?
                • I want to start investing, but feel overwhelmed about where to start…
                • What should I be doing with my super to ensure I’m on track for a better retirement in the future?
                • What options do I have for funding my kids’ education?
                • What are the best ways to start a second income and take a step back from work?
                • I want to know my family will be protected if anything happens to me or my spouse, but I’m not sure what cover we need, or if we even have cover at all…!

                As a team dedicated to providing answers to the burning questions Aussies have about their finances, these are just some of the common money questions that My Money Sorted’s upcoming 30 Minute Recipes for Money Success education program will provide you with straightforward answers to.     

                30 Minute Recipes for Money Success will help you to get ahead with the most important aspects of your finances with simple-to-follow, easy actionable steps – just like following a recipe card!

                Plus, for a limited time only, you can sign up for FREE! 

                SIGN UP TODAY!

                Essential Details: My Money Sorted

                More on money…


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