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NSM Mother's Day Mum: 'She lost her husband to depression, and continues to put others before herself.'


Following is the winning entry in the NSM ‘You Deserve to Indulge’ Mother’s Day Competition 2015. Here, Christy Janssen of Forestville tells us all about her fabulous friend Christine McAuliffe from Thornleigh.

My friend Christine has been an amazing inspiration of strength and courage in my life for more than seven years now.

Christine’s journey has not been easy. She lost her mum too young and has had to wing it in order to raise her three children (now aged from nine to their early twenties) without her mother. She was married to a man she loved very much who, unfortunately, lost his battle with depression and left her a widow. She has a boy with special needs who is a beautiful but strong-willed individual who suffers with the changes in life.

I first met Christine on a parenting forum, where we related to each other with similarities in parenting, and challenging children. We both found similar parenting journey’s with our ‘special needs’ children, and finding their similarities helped us understand that we were not alone in this journey and that we had others to help. Christine has helped my parenting journey. I lost a very close friend, and during that time Christine looked after my children, including my special needs child, on her birthday in order for me to be able to be away from home when I was needed elsewhere. She often puts others needs in front of her own, even those of us outside her family. She helped me grieve and understand the feelings I was going through.

When Christine lost her husband last year, she made sure to tell others first before they found out the hard way. She had support, but it has been a hard journey. Christine has put all her emotions and trials out for everyone to see, her raw emotions, her loneliness and all her grief. It has helped so many people understand and relate to her journey. She has inspired me, and helped my family in our journey with depression and how important it is to look after ourselves. When I have needed an ear, or advice, she has always been available to me.

I personally am inspired by Christine’s strength and her love for others, especially children. She is often the one with children running to her in order to hug her and find safety and security. She bakes for her fellow teachers and friends and shares everything with anyone who is around her.

Her dedication to her family is one that can not be faulted. Her children are secure in knowing her love for them. They have all struggled in the past year dealing with the loss of their dad, but all the children and grandchildren, too, know that Christine loves them unconditionally.

I know Christine deserves much more than I do for Mother’s Day. She is one amazing Mum!

More NSM Mother’s Day Mums…


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