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Mum-Approved: Why LTrent’s Safer Drivers Course is the right choice for your teen


For parents of teenagers, there is not a lot that is more nerve racking than letting them get behind the wheel of a car… alone. A lot of us dread the day our kids get their P’s because it puts them a little farther outside of our safe reach. If you’re after a helping hand to keep your teen safe on the road, then check out the Safer Drivers Course with LTrent Driving School.

The freedom that comes with getting their Ps is a rite of passage for many teens. If you want your child to be the best and safest possible driver before they get their licence, there is no better choice than LTrent Driving School and the Safer Drivers Course they offer. 

Welcome to LTrent Driving School

If you regularly drive up or down the Pacific Highway, you may have noticed the red-coloured tops of LTrent cars. As a reputable and renowned driving school that caters to learner drivers on the North Shore and the rest of Sydney, their brand is synonymous with trust.

ltrent safer drivers course

With more than 50 years’ experience and a team of qualified local driving instructors, LTrent is committed to providing comprehensive driver education and training for our teens. Their mission is to empower learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to become confident, responsible and safe drivers for years to come. 

Importance of driver safety for learners in NSW

For learner drivers, developing the essential skills and knowledge to become a safe driver on the roads is of utmost importance. The early stages of driving are crucial in establishing a foundation for a lifetime of safe and responsible driving habits. After all, we know that P platers are prone to having some of the worst accidents due to inexperience and general bravado behind the wheel. LTrent Driving School recognises this issue and is dedicated to offering programs that focus on promoting driver safety among young drivers to decrease this from happening.

What is the Safer Drivers Course?

As part of their commitment to driver safety, LTrent Driving School offers the highly regarded NSW Safer Drivers Course. Designed specifically for learner drivers under the age of 25, and with less than 50 logbook hours, this course aims to equip them with essential skills, knowledge, and attitudes to become safer drivers on the roads. 

By combining theory-based education with practical in-vehicle coaching, the Safer Drivers Course provides a comprehensive learning experience that goes beyond the basics of driving. It focuses on developing hazard perception skills, decision-making abilities, and defensive driving techniques to enhance the overall safety of learner drivers.

ltrent log book

And as an added bonus for completing the course, learners can add an extra 20 hours to their logbook!

What will your child learn with the Safer Drivers Course?

The Safer Drivers Course aims to explore the challenges that unsupervised drivers face after passing their P’s test. The course is made up of two modules, the first an in-class theory component and the second a practical in vehicle coaching session. During both modules, your child will learn strategies on how to deal with distractions, ways to think ahead and minimising the risk of crashes.

Module 1: Theory

The theory component involves classroom-based learning, interactive discussions, and engaging activities to build a solid foundation of knowledge.

The theory topics covered include:

  • Hazard perception and awareness
  • Speed management and following distances
  • Gap selection and decision making
  • Consequences of risky driving behaviours

Module 2 

The in-vehicle coaching component provides learners with practical, on-road experience under the guidance of skilled instructors. 

Topics covered in the in-vehicle session include:

  • Practicing safe driving techniques
  • Managing different road and traffic conditions
  • Applying hazard perception skills in real-time
  • Developing defensive driving strategies

What the LTrent students have to say…

Since launching in 2013, LTrent has had thousands of students complete the Safer Drivers Course, and then go on to successfully pass their P’s test on the first go. 

“Did the Safer Driver Course with LTrent and passed my test with them as well. Very structured and focussed teaching that aims to help you be a better driver after the driver test when driving becomes most dangerous, rather than just enough to pass the test.” – Dean


“My son enjoyed the Safer Driver Course with LTrent. It highlighted certain aspects of safer driving that he needs to keep in mind, especially around the different types of crashes and reducing speed. It made him aware of how he needs to keep an eye out in his surroundings as he drives. The LTrent Instructor in the Module 2 (driving component of the course) was very professional and my son learned a lot about how to put theory into practice from this practical experience.” – Dimitrios

Booking the Safer Drivers Course with LTrent

Remember, as parents, you have the power to influence your children’s driving habits and behaviours. By enrolling them in the Safer Drivers Course, you are taking an active role in shaping their approach to road safety. Invest in their future as responsible and confident drivers by enrolling them in this essential course. Investing in your teen’s driver education will not only boost their confidence on the road but also provide you with peace of mind, knowing that they are well-prepared and aware of the risks and responsibilities of being an unsupervised and independent driver.

Together, let’s create a safer driving environment for our young drivers in Sydney.


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