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Refresh your home with stylish Scandinavian wall art from Desenio


Are you on the hunt for some stylish artwork to liven up your walls and create a unique space within your home? North Shore Mums reviewer Felicity Frankish shares her experience with Desenio prints and the gorgeous end result.

Our home is what I like to call ‘a work in progress’. We moved in four years ago, and since then we have been slowly but surely adding our personal touch to each and every space to make it our own. There’s one area I am yet to touch, right next to our dining table. When we have guests over, this is the wall they see. We used to have a random canvas up (a hand-me-down from my parents), but that drew too much attention. That’s right, it actually became the topic of discussion at dinner parties, as friends tried to work it out. That was enough for me! I have been trying to find a replacement for a while now, but it’s always gone into that ‘too hard’ basket… plus my husband is absolutely adamant florals are not allowed, which has really narrowed my search field.

Turns out, I just hadn’t been looking in the right place. Desenio changed that all around with their unique shopping experience and stunning range of stylish art prints. My wall is now filled with a gorgeous collage of their prints, that really pop as soon as you walk into the room. For someone without a single interior design bone in their body, it was easier than ever to pull this look together and create the perfect space. Here’s my experience.


Who is Desenio?

Desenio is passionate about Scandinavian design and believe that stylish wall art should be affordable to everyone. They opened in 2010, and now have an online presence in 33 countries and still growing.

At Desenio, you will find Scandinavia’s widest range of posters with new items frequently added to their range, in order to keep abreast of the latest interior and Scandinavian designs. They have something to suit every room and style of interior.

Shopping with Desenio

Gallery Walls

Shopping in their online store was a huge part of the experience. I had no idea what I was even looking for. I had been trying to fill this wall for years now, and always put it in the ‘too hard’ basket.

I was immediately drawn to their Gallery Walls. I figured, with such a big space to fill, instead of getting my heart set on one particular artwork, having a few all complementing each other could be the perfect solution.

It spiralled from there. You can shop by room, including kitchen, living room, bedroom and so on, or by category, such as illustrations, nature, photo art, perfect pair…

There’s so much inspiration to browse, showing the prints in different combinations together with other colours, interior styles and materials. I entered the rabbit hole and never looked back.

Choosing a Gallery Wall

My chosen Gallery Wall

I simply saved my favourite gallery wall designs and sent them across to my husband Chris for his input. After a brief chat, we were set on a favourite, but weren’t happy with all the prints. We used the gallery wall as a guide and I started substituting with other prints on the site.

Choosing prints

Now I knew what I was looking for, searching the site was easy. I started off with line drawings and headed straight to that category to look. I matched the size shown on the template in the gallery wall, so I could recreate the same look, just with different images. I had so much fun doing this part! Knowing the look and feel I wanted to create thanks to the inspiration from the gallery wall made it so nice and easy to browse their categories, choose the right sizes and make up my own gallery wall.

Here are the prints I chose:

Checking out

Mocked up Gallery Wall

I am a little extra, and once I was happy with my choices, I quickly mocked up my own gallery wall to show Chris. I got his go-ahead in seconds, he loved it. I triple checked all the items in my cart matched up with the right sizes for the gallery wall, and went ahead and checked out. It was quick and easy, and the very next day I had shipping notifications letting me know when the prints would arrive. They came within a few days! Very fast delivery.

The quality of their prints is next level. Chris and I were both so impressed with how much the colours really popped (especially on the gold prints) and the quality of their printing. I spent a good few minutes studying them up close and being mesmerised by it.

Now for the fun part, getting them onto the wall!

Hanging our Desenio prints

I popped our prints on the wall as soon as they arrived, just to get the look a feel (I loved them immediately). This helped us make the next decision: frames.

Desenio sells a range of accessories, including hangers, picture ledges and clips, but they don’t ship frames to Australia.

Once our frames arrived, with Chris’ help we got the prints up onto the wall, and here’s the final result.

I’m happy to talk about these prints over any dinner party conversation!

The final wall art display!

What I loved about the Desenio experience

For someone who has very little clue about interior design, I loved the entire experience that came with shopping at Desenio. I think the best part was sending the final photo to my mum (who has an interior design background) and receiving her impressed approval. Here’s what I loved most about the experience.

Unique shopping experience

The inspiration provided by Desenio’s wide selection of gallery walls was all it took to get me going. If I had shopped their images without a little help, I would have found myself very lost in seconds. There’s no way I would have been able to throw together a gallery wall of my own!

Affordable choices

Their prints are so affordable. You can choose different styles and sizes to fit your budget. You can even add a whole gallery to your cart without breaking the bank.


Desenio has such a huge range for you to choose from, so you really are spoilt for choice. There’s kids posters, iconic photos, maps and cities, photographs, art prints, fashion, famous painters and so much more.


I touched on this above, but honestly, the quality of their prints is amazing. My photos don’t do them justice!

The final verdict

If you’re like me and have been sitting on the fence for a while, unable to take the plunge and find the perfect artwork for your home, then head over to Desenio. Let their gallery walls and range of prints inspire you, and you will find what you’re after in no time. The entire shopping experience is fun and easy, and you will be wowed by the quality of the print once it arrives.


    Essential Details: Desenio

    Disclaimer: Our reviewer was provided with a $250 voucher for Desenio in return for her honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are her own and not influenced by the company or its affiliates in any way.

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