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Organising your home… go vertical!

Go vertical - get organised
Go vertical - get organised

Do you get stressed out because you can’t find things in your kitchen? Well, I’ve got some simple solutions to help you get organised in the kitchen (as well as around the home).

The theory behind ‘vertical organisation’ is that makes it easy to:

  • Keep things tidy
  • See what you have (so you actually use it)
  • Access things (and put them away immediately after use)
  • It can even get you more space (think about using the wall space)

Are you curious about what this all actually means? Great, keep reading!

Remember how your piles of baking trays spill out from the cupboard every time you try to reach the bottom one? Chances are you have stopped bothering to even try to use the bottom trays – just to avoid fighting with the stack! So I ask you… what is the point of even having the excess trays?

Imagine using the same amount of space, but being able to see each tray and even better having access to any tray when you want it!

Kitchen: Flip the pile on its side

Go on, give it a go.

This works in drawers and shelves, as well as for things like plastic containers or pot lids or platters.

It’s best to line the base with a foam or plastic grip mat. This stops the slippage. I also recommend investing in a rack to help support the heavier items. These can be found at many of our local homewares and department stores. These are designed for the kitchen but there is nothing stopping you repurposing them for other areas of the home. Alternatively repurpose the step files sold at stationery stores. They are great for chopping boards.

The possibilities are endless – baking trays, serving trays, chopping boards, plastic containers, lunch boxes, baking dish, pot lids.


Organise that pesky baking cupboard vertically

The Office

Think about your stationery (such as envelopes and spare folders)… or your desk top current files. Store them vertically, rather than an in-tray with stagnant pile of paper.


Repurpose hanging shoe holders to hold the collection of family scarfs, hats and gloves. Each person has a row to keep theirs in. Not only does this limit the number of gloves one person can have, but it’s easy for each person to find their (and put them back!).



If your washing machine is a front loader and on the ground, then create a platform/bench above it so that you have a surface to put things. But don’t stop there. Keep going up the wall – floating shelves are a great idea. If you don’t want to attach anything to the wall then you can purchase cubes to give you an extra level or a pigeon-hole – great for sorting washing baskets. How about adding a hanging rail to hang clothes still drying waiting to be ironed?


The ideas are endless. If you want to see more photos of vertical organising, head to the Clutterfly website.

Of course not everyone can tackle de-cluttering on their own and that is where my hands on service comes in. If you feel like you just need someone to be there to show you how to kick it off, that’s perfectly reasonable. Just like some people need a personal trainer to help them commit to exercise or a dietitian to help them learn how to eat well, I am here to help people make the commitment to de-cluttering and getting organised. My details are in the Writer Profile below.


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