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Podcast: Top tips for buying a family home, with Henny Stier


In the latest episode of The Parenting Couch podcast, Rachel and Sarah talk to experienced Buyers Agent (and North Shore Mum) Henny Stier, co-founder of OH Property Group in Sydney. Henny shares her top tips for buying a family home, what types of property to avoid, and how to know if you’re offering the right price for that home that ticks all the boxes.

Buying property is the biggest investment you’ll ever make. Whether you’re looking to buy your first house, upgrade to something bigger or thinking about investing in property,  knowledge is power. The more you know about it, the better you’re going to do from it.

In this episode of The Parenting Couch podcast, we talk to Henny Stier from OH Property Group, who has been a Buyers Agent in Sydney for many years, and has bought hundreds of houses on behalf of North Shore families. As a North Shore Mum to three boys and long-time member of the Facebook Group, she has been generously sharing her advice and recommendations on our website for the past 10 years. 

Questions covered in our interview with Henny Stier:

  • How does a Buyers Agent help someone buy property?
  • Why has Sydney property prices gone up so much?
  • What are the big mistakes people make when buying property?
  • Is it worth getting a Building Report for every property you’re interested in buying?
  • What is a subpar property, and why do people buy them?
  • Is it better to buy the worst house on the best street, or the best house on a bad street?
  • What properties should you avoid?
  • Is asbestos in a property a problem? Should you walk away?
  • What should you do if the Building Report shows termite damage?
  • How can you be less emotional and more rational and objective about buying a home?
  • How do you put an offer in? And how do you know you’re not offering too much or too little?
  • Does it really matter if you overpay on a property that you plan to live in for 10-20 years?
  • Should you believe a Real Estate Agent if they say they’ve had a higher offer?


Hear a snippet from the interview

In this snippet from the podcast interview, Henny talks about the three types of buyers who might typically buy a “lemon” or subpar property… and goes on to explain what qualities a subpar property would have.

“There are three types of buyers who typically buy a lemon or what I call ‘subpar properties’. The first group of buyers are fed-up buyers. They’re buyers who have been looking forever, and they’ve just had it. They walk in and they’re like, ‘I’m buying a house today‘, and are just so fed up, they just take whatever’s there that they can get a deal done.

The second group of buyers who often buy lemons are rebound buyers. They’re probably people who have missed out on two or three auctions. And this is the first one that they can actually win, so they go for it. It’s more out of rebound, than because it’s their ideal home.

The third group of buyers who often buy lemons are inexperienced buyers, who just really have no idea what they’re doing. And they don’t even realise that they’re buying a lemon. So there the three groups of people who are prone to buying lemons. 

In terms of what constitutes a lemon of a property, or what I call a subpar property. They’re properties that would have several flaws that are not possible to fix with money or time. For example, if the property is well below street level and gets no sunlight, and is in a bit of a ravine or a ditch, no amount of money or time can fix that problem. You’re going to constantly have issues with damp, you’re going to constantly have issues with not not enough natural light. Those are things that you cannot fix with money or time.

A bad floor plan? You can fix, you can throw money at it and you can fix it usually. Generally it relates to the topography of the property: if it’s on a steep slope, if the backyard is significantly raised, there may be significant tree issues that block a lot of light and drop a lot of the leaves. A lot of these things you cannot fix if council won’t give you the permission to remove the trees.” – Henny Stier

Listen to the interview with Henny Stier

Listen to the episode of The Parenting Couch interview with Henny Stier on your favourite podcast platform.

About Henny Stier

Henny Stier, OH Property Group

Henny Stier, OH Property Group

Henny is the co-founder and Principal Buyers Agent at OH Property Group.

Henny is well-known for her knowledge and passion for property, her great instincts and sound advice, her meticulous attention to the smallest of details and her ability to extract valuable information from all kinds of sources to help her clients secure the property of their choice. Diligent and extremely responsive, Henny is infinitely willing to go the extra mile for her clients and always has their best interest in mind. Her significant experience in building, renovating and managing properties is a great asset to her clients.

A respected, straight talking property expert, Henny is sought after by the media to discuss various real estate topics and to dispel myths in her typical no-nonsense style.

Aside from real estate, Henny’s other passion is travelling. She has been to more than 400 cities in over 60 countries.

Henny holds both a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of International Relations from Macquarie University, where she graduated with the top award for achieving a perfect 4.0/4.0 GPA. Henny is a fully Licensed Real Estate Agent in NSW and a Justice of the Peace.

In addition to English, Henny also speaks Chinese, Indonesian and rusty French.


Essential Details: OH Property Group

Real Estate articles from Henny Stier


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