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Five easy steps to a stress-free wardrobe

clothes rail

For mums, opening your wardrobe up in the morning can be a painful experience! Getting dressed with any semblance of style often falls way down on the list of priorities –  below dressing the kids, feeding the kids, putting their shoes on, cleaning their teeth and the thousand other things we have to do. Shannon Johnson from Living for Style knows the difficulties of getting dressed under ‘stress’!

As a personal stylist, it’s my job is to make your life easier…especially when it comes to looking (and feeling!) good.  Style is one area where I am proud to say I have helped over a thousand mums discover their own look, particularly mums from the North Shore.

And as a busy mum, I’m sure you’re always looking for shortcuts, so to help I have condensed my top tips into five easy steps to follow!

Step 1: Pull Everything Out

  • Go through everything in your wardrobe, and be ruthless! Only keep things that you love and that fit you right now- not things that used to fit or things you hope to fit into again one day.
  • Pack away the wrong season clothes. If it is summer you should not have winter coats taking up all the space in your wardrobe! Move them to another wardrobe or pack them up.
  • Make sure you have all the essentials. We have made it easy, simply download this free wardrobe essentials checklist. 

Step 2: Get Sorted!

Once you’ve decided on the items you are keeping, put them back in your wardrobe. Then, sort the garments by style.

That means putting pants together in a section, dresses, skirts and blouses.

Step 3: Colour Co-ordinate

Next, co-ordinate your clothes by their colour. If you have a common colour within the style, group those garments together. Personally, I prefer grading the colours by shade, so I start with white, graduate to cream colours and then move through grey, blues, navy and black.

You will be so surprised how pleasing to the eye this will be!

Step 4: Matching Hangers

The next step is a simple one but has a huge effect visually. The easiest way to make your wardrobe feel stress-free and more organised is to grab a set of matching coat hangers. Personally, I recommend Howards Flocked Hanger with Bar Value (20 Pack). The thin profile enables you to store more in your wardrobe and the flocked finish will hug your clothing to prevent slipping.. They are great because they are streamline to fit more in and made of a felt fabric so they hold the clothes well.

Thin hangers give you more room in the wardrobe

Step 5: Clear up your shoes

I have seen hundreds of wardrobes with piles of jumbled shoes shoved at the bottom of the wardrobe. This is going to make it really hard for you to find your shoes and you will probably just opt for your thongs at the top of the pile instead of your cool leather sandals at the bottom of the pile, or even forget you own certain pairs!

So, for better organisation, buy a shoe rail that can fit all your shoes.

This Kmart rack fits 12 pairs of shoes – winning!

If this all seems ‘too hard’, get a professional stylist like Shannon from Living for Style into your home to sort out your wardrobe. NSM Founder Rachel Chappell got some help last year, and you can read her Wardrobe Detox review here. She also went shopping with Shannon to replace some of the more ‘tired’ items to complete her wardrobe. Read her Personal Shopping review here.


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