Taste for Life
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Taste for Life (TFL) creates science-backed nutritious meals and soups based on Chinese herbs and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) designed to help mothers recover after giving birth physically and mentally. Based in St Leonards, TFL caters to mums countrywide, making them a North Shore success story!

TFL not only specialises in postpartum meals, but also in prenatal nourishment, lactation soups, other regimen meals and more.  It also offers consultations and advice from experts around the meals and teas and drinks.

Taste For Life offers:

  • Postpartum Meals (Fresh Meal Delivery & DIY Confinement Package). The meals are created by traditional TCM physicians, qualified dieticians and award-winning chefs. 
  • Prenatal Nourishment Drinks including chicken essence and beef essence and imperial red jujube tea for vitality.
  • Miscarriage Recovery Meals including a concentrated soup with black bean, kelp, beetroot and Himalayan rock salt.
  • Breastfeeding Nursing Tea and Lactation Soups – these really help build milk supply.
  • Menstrual and Menopause Care Meals – the menstrual meals are also excellent for those suffering from endometriosis.
  • General Health Drinks, Beauty Collagen-Boosting Drinks and post-surgery nutrition packages.

TFL has found a fan base not only with expatriate Asian but also with Australian-born Chinese tapping into long-forgotten family practices. Also more and more mums of all backgrounds are realising they are not getting the support they need post-partum to help build their physical and mental recovery as well as their milk supply and are looking to Taste for Life for real solutions. Taste for Life also offers products that improve general health, endometriosis, menopause and beauty and fitness (collagen based products).

TFL, originally a Taiwanese brand, was bought to Australia by Nicole Chien, a leading nutritionist and expert in eating for health and recovery.





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