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Shirley Road Preschool is Gowrie NSW’s first preschool service and is a quality, not-for-profit preschool located in Crows Nest Uniting Church on Shirley Road.

Shirley Road Preschool has a long-standing history within the Crows Nest community, opening on 1 February 1972. Today, over 40 years later and under the Gowrie NSW umbrella, Shirley Road Preschool is flourishing, with a reputation for excellence. They cater for over 45 families, their children aged 3 – 5 years. They believe that every child brings with them unique strengths, capabilities, culture, interests, knowledge, ideas and experiences… and that every day is filled with possibility and chances for discovery.

  • Ages: 3-5 years
  • Meals: Bring your own recess & lunchbox
  • Hours: 8.15am-3.45pm
  • Fees: Attending 2 days (3-4 year olds): Free, unfunded day 3: $87, unfunded day 4: $83, unfunded day 5: $77.

Contact Willoughby Community Preschool

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