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Author: ZoeEmanuel



I founded Brightsparks Performing Arts School when my daughter was 6 months. I have always felt like I raised her and my business at the same time and now they are both fully fledged teenagers- confident, independent and quite grown up!

I love teaching. I feel it is an inbuilt purpose that drives me each and every day. I love watching children blossom into their creative selves. I love seeing their confidence grow and their emotional intellegence switch on. Drama, is the stage for life. As Shakespeare so aptly said - "All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players".  

So many of my students have been with me for years and years and it is such a priviledge to watch their development and help to harness their talents. Children have an open and willing attitude that makes teaching so wonderful. I do believe that all children love to be challenged. They like to work things out and practice hard things, they like to try and be praised for trying. That is my job. To offer them the opportunities, to guide them on their way and to ultimately let them fly when they are ready.

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