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North Shore Mums: Reader Profile

The North Shore Mums team with their kids - from babies to tweens! Image: Katherine Millard Photography

Wondering who the North Shore Mums is, and if they’re the right demographic for your business? Our 2023 Reader Survey reveals how old they are, where they live, how many kids they have, their household income and so much more!

North Shore Mums: Reader Profile


90% of North Shore Mums are aged between 25-49 years:

  • 25-29 years = 20%
  • 30-34 years = 23%
  • 35-39 years = 18%
  • 40-44 years = 20%
  • 30-34 years = 10%

Location (LGA)

Where do North Shore Mums live? Below is the distribution of North Shore Mums via their Local Government Area (LGA, or local council area). 78% of ‘North Shore Mums actually live in North Shore LGAs.

Location of North Shore Mums

The distribution of mums across the North Shore is very similar to the total population distribution for each Local Government Area. According to the 2022 Census, the populations were:

  • 151,713 people in the Hornsby local government area (covers North Shore and Hills District)
  • 124,108 people in the Ku-ring-gai Council local government area
  • 75,409 people in the Willoughby local government area
  • 69,256 people in the North Sydney local government area
  • 40,028 people in the Lane Cove local government area
  • 28,100 people in the Mosman local government area

Number of children

Almost half of North Shore Mums have two children in their family. A third have just one child (but perhaps will add another child in the next few years!) and 12% have 3 children.

According to Census data 2023, the average family size for those with kids in 1.9 children.

  • 1 child = 35%
  • 2 children = 45%
  • 3 children = 12%
  • 4 children = 5%
  • 5 or more = 1%

Age of children

We asked our parents what stage of childhood they were currently parenting (and to check all that apply). Interestingly, 68% of our readers have children at pre-school, toddler or baby age, 54% have at least one child in primary school, and 19% have a child in high school.

  • Pregnant = 2%
  • Baby (0-12 months) = 12%
  • Toddlers (1 & 2 years) = 20%
  • Preschoolers (approx. 3-5 years) = 34%
  • Primary School (Kindy – Year 2) = 28%
  • Primary School (Year 3 – Year 6) = 26%
  • High School > Middle School (Year 7-10) = 14%
  • High School > Senior School (Year 11-12) = 5%
  • University, College or Other higher education = 4%
  • Children have left home = 1%

Stage of childhood


Age of children of North Shore Mums

Relationship Status

The majority of North Shore Mums are married (76%). 9% are in a defacto relationship, and 4% are single.

  • Married = 75.8%
  • Separated = 6.8%
  • Divorced = 7.3%
  • Widowed = 4.2%
  • Defacto relationship = 6.8%
  • In a relationship (not living together) = 2%
  • Single = 2.2%

Working Status

Most (78%) North Shore Mums are either in full-time or part-time work, and 8% run their own business. Only 14% are not currently working (due to maternity leave, stay-at-home mum or looking for work).

  • Full time: 55%
  • Part time: 23%
  • Self-employed: 8%
  • Looking for work: 3%
  • Maternity leave: 3%
  • Stay-at-home mum: 8%

Annual Household Income

The household income for North Shore Mums households is much higher than that of Greater Sydney, with 81% of families earning more than $100,000 per year. This compares to Greater Sydney, where the median annual household income is $108,004 (Census, 2021).

  • 19% earn less than $100k
  • 33% earn $100-200k
  • 28% earn $200-300k
  • 15% earn $300-400k
  • 4% earn over $400k
Combined household income of North Shore Mums

Combined household income of North Shore Mums

Home Ownership

30% of North Shore Mums own their own house with no mortgage, 53% own (with a mortgage) and 18% rent.

Type of dwelling

53% of North Shore Mums live in a house, 34% live in an apartment and 12% live in a Townhouse.

Impact of North Shore Mums on the lives of mums 

  • 82% either agree or strongly agree that ‘North Shore Mums has made me feel more connected with the community’
  • 78% have “visited a destination or an attraction after reading an article about it on the NSM website”

Who makes the purchase decisions for the family?

We’ve always known that Mums are usually the person in the family who researches and makes the decisions on most of the major items in the family life. This research just confirms assumptions! Mums are the ones who book kids classes and activities, presents for families and friends, kids clothes, groceries and homewares.

Top 5 Items Mums soley buy

  1. Kids Clothes (72%)
  2. Kids Classes & Activities (68%)
  3. Groceries (65%)
  4. Gifts for family & friends (64%)
  5. Homewares (57%)

Both mum and her partner are more likely to make joint decisions on furniture, holidays and tradespeople.

Finding out about new services

We asked: When you’re looking for a local business (like a dentist, plumber, kids class, photographer), where do you usually go for information to research suppliers and get more information?

It’s no surprise that personal recommendations from a friend are the most influential factor in any purchase decision – which reinforces why exceptional customer service and exceeding customers expectations is so important for any business. In the absence of a friend who can recommend a business, 46% turn to the North Shore Mums Facebook group to find out about services.

When it comes to advertising influence, the North Shore Mums Directory is more than 7 times likely to be used than newspaper advertising and 4 times more likely than flyers at school or childcare. It’s also a fraction of the price of print advertising.

To ensure our website advertisers get the benefit of the Facebook group too, they are given the opportunity to:

  • Post a free ad in the North Shore Mums Facebook group during Business Hour
  • Respond to posts asking for recommendations for local services & products


If you’ve got a listing in the North Shore Mums Directory (or considering advertising in the Directory), you’ll want to get your head around these facts.

  • 64% said ‘yes’ to the statement: “I’ve used the Directory on the website to find a local service“.
  • 78% said ‘yes’ to the statement: “I’m more likely to choose a business in Directory if the listing includes reviews” – so if you’ve got a listing in the NSM Directory, ensure you are actively seeking reviews from your satisfied customers.

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