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Submit your playground review


You’ve visited the playground, you’ve taken notice of all the features & facilities and you’ve taken lots of fabulous photos. Now is the time to submit your review!

It’s best to submit the review on the same day that you have visited, while it’s all fresh in your head!

We will be using the text you write in the paragraph boxes to create your review, be sure to write…

  • in a clear and concise way
  • in a personal tone that is natural to you
  • with correct grammar and spelling

You might find it best to draft your responses in Microsoft Word (or another editing app) first, so you can ensure it reads well.

Submit your playground review

  • Reviewer details

    We just need a few contact details so we can contact you if we have any questions or to let you know when the review is published.
  • If you'd like to have your own Author Bio at the bottom of the review, please write a short 2-3 sentence bio about yourself! You can include things like your family, work, hobbies, interests.
  • Essential Details

  • What LGA is the playground located in?
  • Write a paragraph about why you wanted to visit this playground, or why it's a favourite that you always visit. This is your chance to introduce the playground in a personal way. It also helps to introduce your kids and their ages for context.
  • Select all that apply.
  • What's the shade like?
  • Check all that apply
  • Be as detailed as you like! Were there any areas the kids were drawn to? What did they love playing on the most? Was anything lacking?
  • If the playground caters to a number of age groups, how is the equipment laid out? (Ie, are there different areas catering to different ages).
  • What is parking like around the playground? Select all that apply
  • Write a sentence or two about the parking situation. Do you have any tips about best spots to park?
  • Is the playground easily accessible by train, bus or ferry? Share any insights you might know.
  • What else is there to do with kids in the area? Is the playground part of a bigger park? Are there any great kid-friendly cafes nearby? Shopping centres? Other attractions?
  • Write a 1-2 sentence that summarises your review
  • If you've uploaded your images to a share file site, please enter the "share link" below. Don't worry if you haven't done this yet, you can also email the link to the Editor too!

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